Wednesday, June 9, 2010

'The Gong' and Jervis Bay

This week we have a break between the end of classes and the start of final exams, so a group of UW students and myself decided to go visit my roommates hometown, Wollongong, and his family's beach house in Jervis Bay.

To start off the trip, my roommate and I relocated a 4WD campervan from Brisbane to Sydney at the cost of $1 per day, with $150 of free petrol. We decided to get the drive done in one go, and it ended up as a 15 hour car ride. The next day, we the rest of the UW students in Sydney and drove three hours down to Jervis Bay, where my roommate's beach house is. We spent the next few days down there, exploring the small town and visiting several national parks.

Some cliffs on Jervis Bay

From there, we traveled north to Wollongong, where my roommate grew up. He gave us a tour of the city, which is on the beach and is pretty nice place. We got to meet some of his family and hung out with his brothers. I spent two nights there, one of which we we spent playing a trivia game at the local lawn bowling club. It was pretty interesting since we were the only team with members under the age of 40, but we didn't end up doing too poorly.

A view of Wollongong

I fly out of Sydney early tomorrow morning, and will meet up with my mom and sister in Brisbane as they arrive for their visit. This trip made for a nice end to the semester, and thankfully I don't have to start studying for finals for another four or five days while I get to show my mom and sister around Brisbane.

1 comment:

  1. haha old people love lawn bowling! When I did it here it was the same deal. It didn't help that I was really, really bad. All the old men laughed at me
