Sunday, June 13, 2010

A visit from my mom and sister

For the past few days before my final exams, my mom and sister came to visit. On the first day of their visit, I showed them around Brisbane and the University of Queensland campus. The next day, we went to the Lone Pine Koala Sanctuary. We saw a bunch of native Australian animals like wombats, kangaroos, wallabies, dingoes, and tazmanian devils. The sanctuary was especially neat because we got to feed and pet the kangaroos, and the koalas were the most active I've ever seen. We also watched a birds of prey show and a sheep herding/shearing show.

A Koala at the Lone Pine Sanctuary

The next day we took a day trip to Tamborine Mountain in the Gold Coast Hinterlands. We did a few hikes through the rainforest, including one along a canopy skywalk. We also went through a glow worm cave, had a cheese and wine tasting, visited a brewery, and went on a gallery walk in the Tamborine Village.

On their last day here, we went to North Stradbroke Island in Moreton Bay just outside Brisbane. We did a lot of hiking along the beach and headlands. It is the start of whale season, and we spotted a couple groups of whales breaching and also a few pods of dolphins swimming and jumping through the water.

 Frenchman's Beach on North Stradbroke Island

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