Wednesday, February 24, 2010


Ahhh… it feels good to finally be settled in. After four nights in a couple hostels in downtown Brisbane, it’s nice to not be living out of suitcases. I guess I could get used to it, but it’s hard to imagine how all the people I’ve met who are traveling around the world can live out of a backpack for months on end.

Brisbane is a really sweet city- it’s not too big but there are still tons of things to do. It was cool to stay downtown for a while and get a glimpse of the nightlife. Last night I moved into a room I’m sharing with another UW student in a house with two Aussie guys and a girl from South Africa. So far everyone is super friendly and easy going. I’m excited for classes to start and to meet new people.

Yesterday was the annual Market Day, which was like a giant student organization fair with sponsors and tons of free stuff. I signed up for an international student social club, some Australian engineering association, and a beach volleyball club. There is so much to do on campus, I don’t see myself having any trouble keeping busy.

Downtown Brisbane, near our hostel

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